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성경공부 Bible Studies

소그룹으로 모여 성경을 배우고 나누며 예수 그리스도를 아는 지식 속에 자라가는 것을 목표로 합니다. 인생의 다양한 경험 속에서 하나님의 말씀을 통해 지혜를 얻고 방향을 알아갈 수 있도록 서로를 격려합니다.

화요일 오전 10시: 영어성경읽기, 주제별 성경공부 (영어)

Bible Reading Group meets at 10:00am (during school terms) for a journey through the Bible by reading it from beginning to end, with some discussion.


This group is more than happy for new people to join at any time.

수요일 오후 1시: 영어성경공부 (성경책 권별 혹은 주제별)

Each term, this group gets together to study God's Word using Know Your Bible (KYB) materials produced by CWCI (Christian Women Communicating International).


CWCI is a worldwide, inter-denominational, evangelical faith ministry which began in Australia in 1957 and is known for its dynamic Bible teaching and relevance to life issues in the 21st century.

목요일 오후 2시: 쉬운 영어성경공부

Bible study is made easy in a form of simple English. Are you a new Christian wondering how to study the Bible? Do you get lost trying to study the Bible on your own? Are you helping someone learn to study the Bible? Start here with easy Bible Studies with Christian brothers and sisters.

금요친교모임: 금요일 오전 10시, 영어 보드게임 친교 및 점심식사

It is open to anyone in the community to come along and play Scrabble, Rummikub, and other board games, followed by light meal fellowship.

기도모임: 금요일 오후 1시 (영어), 주일 오전 10시 30분 (한국어 중보기도팀)

We strongly believe that prayer is not an option for all Christians. Prayer is the air to our spiritual soul, it is the life, the purification, a connection with our very life source. Prayer is our foundation, our starting point, our maturing muscle, our everything when it comes to the Christian walk.

주일 오후 1시:  한국어 성경공부 (새신자반, 주제별 성경공부)

For Korean group who are unable to attend during the week.


Our chief aim in life should be the glory of God. Period. Full stop. And in order to achieve that aim, we must read and study God's Word whenever we can.

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