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Important Announcement
(COVID Update 12/10/2021) 

Church Reopening.png

1. We are glad to announce that our church will be reopened from Sunday 14th November for face to face worship gatherings.

2. Lord's Supper will be celebrated on Sunday 5th December.

3. Small groups and meetings will commence from 26th October in the hall (please check with your group leaders for details).

4. Next session meeting, 2:30pm, 26th October.

   - Committee of Management, 4pm, 26th October.

Important Announcement 27/06/21

Church is closed due to the current government regulations (until further notice). Online Services will replace the normal services this period.


Announcement 7/6/2020

1. Covid-19 Updates: In its meeting on 5/6/20, it was moved, seconded, and agreed that the session permits Bible study groups, prayer group and PWA to open but continue online services for at least another month.

2. Tuesday Bible Study: Resumes this week and meets on Tuesday at 10am in the hall. The study is on the book of Romans: Becoming New in Christ.

3. Prayer Group: will meet after the Tuesday Bible study at 11am in the hall.

4. KYB (Mixed Group) Bible Study: will meet after the Tuesday Bible study at 11am in the hall.

Announcement 7/3/2021

  1. Welcome: We are glad you are here. If you’re new here today, we want to extend to you a special welcome. All are welcome for a cup of tea in the Hall after Church. Come and meet the others in our family.

  2. COVID information: Check in with QR code (Service NSW app) or church name list. Sanitize your hands. One person per 2 square metres. Wipe your seat before leaving. Singing is only permitted if masks are worn and subject to one person per 4sqm. There is to be no self-service or buffet style service of food at all times. Physical distancing is still required for fellowship, except between people of the same household. No hugs or handshakes. Wash hands thoroughly and use sanitizers/gloves as required. Frequent cleaning and disinfection (e.g. wiping down shared surfaces, tables and chairs). When coughing, cover your mouth and if you do not feel well, stay home.

  3. Tuesday Bible Study: meets at 10am and is studying “God’s Big Picture” by Vaughan Roberts.

  4. Wednesday KYB Bible Study: meets at 1pm at the hall and is studying book of Acts. All are welcome.

  5. Lent: is 6 week period leading up to Easter Sunday (4th April, 40 days excluding Sundays). Use this time for the solemn observance, prayer, and meditation of the death and resurrection of our Lord.

  6. Lord’s Supper: will be celebrated during services on 7th March.

  7. Annual Congregation Meeting will be held on Sunday March 14th immediately following 9am service (공동의회가 3월 14일 주일 오전 10시에 있습니다. 등록교인은 1시간 일찍 오시기 바랍니다).

  8. PWA: meets 3rd Wednesday at 10am (17th March)

  9. Committee of Management: will meet on 23rd March at 4pm. 

  10. Craft Group: meets 2nd, 4th & 5th Thursday at 10am (11th & 25th April).

  11. Equip & Encourage Women’s Conference: will be held at Woy Woy Presbyterian Church on Saturday 20th March at 9am – 1pm. Dr Joanna Barlow, who is a psychiatrist and pastoral care worker at Charlestown Presbyterian Church is the speaker. Cost is $10.

  12. SRE Commission Service: will be held at The Entrance Baptist church 20th March at 3pm.

  13. Easter Services will be: 01/04 7:30pm Maundy Thursday Communion Service

                                                            02/04 9:00am Good Friday Service

  14. 04/04 10.00am Easter Combined Service (4월 4일 부활주일은 10시에 연합으로 드립니다)

  15. Online Giving / Bank Transfer: St Andrews The Entrance Presbyterian Church                           

        (Westpac)  BSB: 032-525, Account Number: 810344

2020년 3월 22일
주일 주보광고

1. 주님의 이름으로 환영하며 축복합니다. 은혜로운 온라인 예배를 위하여 예배에티켓을 참조하여 지켜주시기 바랍니다.

-이번 주일부터 유튜브를 통해 주일예배에 함께하실 수 있습니다. 유튜브에서 "엔트런스장로교회" 혹은 'The Entrance Presbyterian Church'를 검색해 주세요.

접속하신 후에 '구독'을 누르시고 우측 상단에 설정을 누르셔서 고화질로 바꾸시면 고화질 영상으로 보실 수 있습니다.


*온라인예배 에티켓
 1)온 가족이 함께 모여 예배를 드립니다.
 2)단정한 복장으로 예배를 드립니다.
 3)성경책을 미리 준비합니다.
 4)예배에 방해되는 모든 요소들을 차단합니다.

->휴대폰을 끕니다. 주변 정리를 합니다. 스마트폰으로 시청할 경우 "비행기모드"로 예배드리시면 좋습니다.
 5)헌금은 온라인 계좌를 통해 봉헌하도록 합니다.


2. 엔트런스 장로교회 신종 코로나 바이러스 예방 안내사항: 스콧 모리슨 총리의 1.5m 사회적 거리가 3월 20일 금요일부로 4제곱 미터로 강화됨에 따라 예배당에 20명 이상 수용이 불가하게 되었습니다. 따라서 우리교회는 비상당회를 열어 모든 예배와 모임을 잠정중단하기로 결정했으며 온라인 예배로 전환하기로 만장일치로 결의하였습니다. 
따라서 모든 교인들은 동요하지 마시고 기도하며 현시국을 위해 기도해주시고 온라인예배와 헌금에 동참해주시기를 부탁드립니다. 속히 ‘코로나19’의 확산이 멈추어 세계가 안정화되고 교회의 모든 일정이 정상화 될 수 있도록 기도해주시기 바랍니다.

3. 주일 헌금을 온라인으로 하시기 원하시는 분은 참조하시기 바랍니다.

* 계좌 : St Andrews The Entrance Presbyterian Church (Westpac)

BSB: 032-525, Account Number: 810344

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